Covid PPE Response Team

Meeting local needs for PPE

From March 2020 we worked to collaboratively meeting local needs for PPE. To slow down the spread of the corona virus, save lives and quality of life. Initially for front line staff including the medical community. In the summer of 2020 the lockdown eased we worked on projects in solidarity with tourists and the tourism sector. Through offering affordable (free/by donation) visors, facemasks and scrubs from our community to all. Keeping each other safe.To slow down the spread of the corona virus, save lives and quality of life.

When exploring how we could best help on covid in Mid March 2020, secondary protection (PPE) from visors was identified as critical, often unavailable and something that can realistically be produced locally.

We have teamed up with groups producing facemasks and scrubs so people can request all three under one roof. We continue to evolved to community needs, at present tourism. Collectively providing facemasks by donation in 18 shops around the Dyfi.

Join In - Protecting those who are protecting us - Request PPE

PPE Offer

What does each team provide?


For a year volunteers made these and distributed them around the Dyfi Valley through a network of 18 shops to encourage their use.

As facemaks become mandated and more widely available the community need were met in a variety of ways. Facemasks are now available widely online and locally to continue to meet local needs.

If you would like to make your own, Ann has put together a guide on making a 3 ply mask.


Immediately collaborating internationally and working to meet local needs. To ensure availability of supply we took three paths in parrelel. We produced visors via fabrication, 3D printing and laser cutting.

Once we were setup, we met the needs of our local town within a week, in the second week, we managed to also meet requests from the Dyfi Valley including many care homes in Aberystwyth.

Our visors newsletter, Vision is now available First Edition, Second Edition, Third Edition, Fourth Edition, Fifth Edition, Sixth Edition.

Documentation is available - for the 3D printed visors and our laser cut visors.

Thanks for the kind offers to support us, as requested we have now setup a Paypal account so people can do that.

This project bridged the gap between local need and commercial availability and now complete.


Scrubs were made locally for the local medical community with materials provided by local companies.

With thanks to the incredible community


Jenny Lampard, Liz, Kelly Pearson, Cassian, Jay, Anthony Jones, Lyn, Ann MacGarry, Anne Misc, Cara Enfys, Elen and Jess Chick, Sandie Beasley, Ann Gynn, Elizabeth Fenwick, Cheryl Micah, Hazel Sturt, Gill (Dyfiview ), Jacinta MacDermot, Jeni Neale, Jennifer Clarke, Sara Lewis, Nic and Paul. Carlos, Wendy H-P, Maureen Hughes, G McKever, Nikki wilde, Wendy Fuller, Sandy Andrews and team, Liza Brown.


Feasibility Community Newsletter , Charity Garnett, Paul Feely, Stephanie and the open source community.
Hand Made designs by Rosie, Stef, Noah, Ronan, Michele and Paul Feely.
Laser Cuttering - James Dent email or 07507 436483 of Hossa Design. David Ingleston. Ysgol Bro Hyddgen - Tommi Rowlands, Jon Starbuck, Peter Kenny and Steve Nickles. Mike Jollands. Aberystwyth University
3D Printing - Mark Clive - Bright Sparks electricians, Tim Kesley - Dragonfly Bistro, Steven Roebuck.
Assembly and Cleaning - Fran Jackson (Therapeutic Massage), Dave Roberts, Corine, Will Bamford, Ysgol Bro Hyddgen, Louise Halestrap, Aber Instruments
Distribution - Jenny Lampard, Will Bamford, Fran Jackson, Anthony Jones, Harry Adams, Robert Buchan Terrey, Jennifer, Kelly, Steve Berry.
Comms and collab - Ian Tansley, Kaja - Studio Participate, Suzanne Iuppa, Poppy - Discover Dyfi, Anne Marie Carty.
Design and more - Duncan Bamford - Insight Illustration.
Documentation - Anthony Jones.
Funding - Bro Dyfi Community Renewables, Community Foundation Wales
Partners - 3D Crowd, 3D frontline, N3DPS, MCCR (Inc. Carlos, Jeanette Gray, Kim Bryan, Communications Group and more)


Gill, Jenny, Anne, Olivia, Carrie &Freya, Alice, Eirian, Ann, Caroline & Jim, Ann, Sue, Megan, Angela, Sue, Gill, Dai & Wendy, John & Penny. Thanks too go to Tammi & Anansi, and Jenny Lampard. Fabric donated by Sam & Cath at Wheeler's Fabric and sister organisation The Organic Textile Company, Ann, Phil & Nancy.

For all key workers and those protecting the community

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